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Best overseas leagues for Aussies?

yes an organised press is done using the whole team we all know that. It's Sadio's defensive actions(blocks/interceptions) that were significantly higher than his counter part Mo Salah.

Please take some time to review the stats.

Mane double as many blocks and inteceptions as Salah in less time at the club.

I always thought Liverpool fans under appreciated Mane... and this proves it. Should of just payed him a decent wage.

jas, wherever you have seen dissatisfied LFC fans re Mane would be a a very small % like most fan base's are towards players.
One crappy game, or 2/3 missed chances some get stuck in.
As for the majority of us he is a bloody Legend LFC player that was sad to see depart - incl Bobby might I add, we/you have no clue what contract discussions were and its obvious many players got lured by the Saudi $ - this is life.

My general comment of the press was just that no matter naming players, I don't need to read the stats for I saw/see it with my own eyes every single game who does more k's, blocks, intercepts, line breaks and impact thery make in the game.
Takes all types.
MO has never been a whiz bang chaser unless its close but he does take up space, Bobby didn't have th epace of Sadio but again his game sense was brilliant in the press, have you noticed MO hardly jumps up for a header to contest his opposite - go figure a player of that level hardly heads a ball.
Wonder stats have a header count by players.
There is always one or 2 who do more/mobile and many given attributes that help combine making impact with the ones who do less but are effective just the same where they excel combined.
Pretty simple really, those who need stat after stat are not watching every single game, sure helps post game and leading into next but the eye/mind has a pretty good stat analysis as well.
Thanks for posting back don't think it proved it as you thought.
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Brazil Serie A or B. Paraguay Professional or even Colombia. Great way to learn the "dark arts" especially with the WC in 2026.
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Brazil Serie A or B. Paraguay Professional or even Colombia. Great way to learn the "dark arts" especially with the WC in 2026.
Great thought there.
Trouble is our guys would be like lambs for the slaughter the way I see it.
We have never dealt with the dark arts well at all for we frowned upon it for decades way back.
Sure would be a great schooling I agree.