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Our fan culture and playing style are world apart

The table formatting ended up weird!

Nice work Grazor however Im sorry I dont understand the question you are postulating?

"otherwise, who would want to join a fan base full of misery guts?"

Sure there are fairweather followers, and people new to football or basically even just event goers, but "joining a fan base" I would think every single citizen of Australia, by default, is already a Socceroos fan anyway?
Nice work Grazor however Im sorry I dont understand the question you are postulating?

"otherwise, who would want to join a fan base full of misery guts?"

Sure there are fairweather followers, and people new to football or basically even just event goers, but "joining a fan base" I would think every single citizen of Australia, by default, is already a Socceroos fan anyway?
By that logic then I’m a fan of the 🇦🇺🏏 team..and I assure you, that’s one of the last things I’d ever strive to be.
By that logic then I’m a fan of the 🇦🇺🏏 team..and I assure you, that’s one of the last things I’d ever strive to be.
Sure mate (I dont really enjoy cricket much either) but at the end of the day when Australia is playing Bangaldesh, you dont support Bangladesh do you? You're a by default Aussie fan whether you watch or engage or not is what I mean.
Nice work Grazor however Im sorry I dont understand the question you are postulating?

"otherwise, who would want to join a fan base full of misery guts?"

Sure there are fairweather followers, and people new to football or basically even just event goers, but "joining a fan base" I would think every single citizen of Australia, by default, is already a Socceroos fan anyway?
Yeah I guess there are few that would rather the roos lose, but a lot of aussies wouldn't be a fan of the roos in the sense that they'd bother watching a game, let alone attending one
Sure mate (I dont really enjoy cricket much either) but at the end of the day when Australia is playing Bangaldesh, you dont support Bangladesh do you? You're a by default Aussie fan whether you watch or engage or not is what I mean.
Your reasoning then; certainly not mine.
Yeah I guess there are few that would rather the roos lose, but a lot of aussies wouldn't be a fan of the roos in the sense that they'd bother watching a game, let alone attending one
I get your point... I mean I have NEVER watched a single second of Netball yet am happy when the Aussie girls beat anyone else.... I meant in that sense of support.
That was a really interesting read. I think we need to be clear about who we are and our strengths but we also need to find balance.

I have no issues with us leaning into our physical and aggressive players or defence. But I've never known an Australian team (in any sport) to be intimidated or be afraid to try and score to win.

To do that you need to put players out there who give you a chance to score. At the moment we play 3 CBs, 2 DMs, 2 defensively focussed wing backs, and a defensively focussed CF. That balance is wrong.

We can loosen the reigns there and still play to our strengths. We can loosen the reigns and play a less defensive team against weaker opposition and still play to our strengths.

To me our teams should be physical and fast, they should be team orientated/cohesive, strong defensively across the field. But they also must be aggressive trying to score. Otherwise it plays against our sporting psyche.

We need to work on/develop our naivety in response to gamesmanship, offensive build-up, tempo and finishing.