
By registering with us, you'll be able to discuss, share and private message with other members of our community.

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Green and Gold FC Forum Rules

Welcome to the Green and Gold FC community! To keep our forum positive and safe for everyone, please follow these simple guidelines:

1. Respect Each Other

  • Courtesy and Respect: Treat all members with kindness.
  • No Harassment: Bullying, personal attacks, or bigotry are prohibited.

2. Prohibited Content

Do not post or link to content that:

  • Health Misinformation: Harmful claims.
  • Hate Speech: Extremist ideologies or hate-promoting content.
  • Misinformation: Spreading false information.
  • Defamatory Material: Content that is defamatory, threatening, or abusive.
  • Offensive Content: Adult or objectionable material.
  • Spam: Unsolicited advertising or repetitive messages.
  • Copyright Infringement: Unauthorized use of protected material.
  • Illegal Activities: Encouraging unlawful acts (e.g., drug use, buying/selling).
  • Privacy Violations: Personal information of others without consent.
  • Legal Violations: Any content that breaks laws or regulations.

3. Age Requirement

  • Minimum Age: You must be at least 13 years old to use this forum.
  • Age Confirmation: By registering, you confirm you meet this requirement.

4. Content Responsibility

  • Your Content: You are responsible for what you post.
  • Content Review: Your content may be reviewed by staff or third-party services.

5. Privacy

  • Personal Information: Do not share personal details about others without their consent.
  • Confidentiality: Respect private communications.

6. Moderation

  • Staff Actions: Moderators may remove or modify content at any time.
  • Consequences: Violations may lead to warnings, bans, or suspension.
  • Appeals: Disagree with a decision? Respectfully contact the administrator.

7. Reporting Issues

  • Report Violations: Use the report function to alert moderators.
  • No Retaliation: Do not engage or retaliate against rule-breakers.

8. Acceptance of Terms

  • Agreement: By using this forum, you agree to these rules.
  • Updates: Terms may change without notice; stay informed.
  • Account Closure: If you disagree, please contact us to close your account.

Thank you for being part of the Green and Gold FC community and helping us maintain a respectful and engaging environment!
