All banter aside, i think we would all agree that 'history drives culture', and this isnt truer than in football, especially here in Oz.
This is also the primary reason i believe there continues to be such a divide with 'old and new football' in this country and no cross hatch in sight. The old have a culture that dates back, pride in it if you will, and the new trying to build on non existent foundations or very little at best..(only so far the anti efnik card could get you anyway).
I remain staunch in the idea that the game here wouldve benefited greatly from 2 things, one was pro/rel open to all and let the cream rise to the top and second was more rivalries - old vs new, old vs old and new vs new the more the merrier..thats where the afl got it right years ago, swans to sydney fitzroy to brisbane etc.. they carried a history with them.
This wouldve allowed a proper football culture to thrive for all and without limitations!