Really good points made, LFC. What have you been smoking? LOL!
Didn't know Renard had done that much work on us? He coached Saudi to beat Argentina at the Qatar WC.
We are short of experienced quality RBs ATM, who are not injured. Weirdly, Talbot is playing RB at City, doing a decent job, whilst recent Socceroo RB, Atkinson, is playing DM and LB for City and appears to be a utility. They took Talbot off in one game and moved Atko to RB. We need Atko playing RB, for national team purposes.
How could Popa have changed Miller's role with the cattle he had? Good question? Popa dropped sometime RB, Baccus. I'm pleased he has dropped Smith, who Arnie loved, but was surprised Arnie rated him so highly?
Miller was really impressive against China , struggled against Japan, and also had quite a few average moments against Saudi. Hrustic was worse, but with a few classy moments that stood out.