THEREFORE the fact you want to shut down people ENTIRELY BASED ON THE LEFT'S DEFINITION OF HATE SPEECH proves you are Far Left. And, as said, the fact you cannot see that make you Extreeeeeeme Far Far Far Left.
The term "extreme far left" is insufficient to describe how radical you are.
Racial vilification is an example of hate speech, that should not be allowed. Nazis partaking in Islamaphobia is hate speech and subsequent actions. The Jewish holocaust in WW2 involved hate speech and genocidal actions from Nazis.
That is hate speech, not free speech.
At the same time, most progressives, of which I am one, want to to see free speech prevail. I strongly uphold the rights of the Liberal Party to express views that differ from mine, but Dutton is bordering on actions which beyond free speech with his vilification of African gangs. The Victorian police stated there was no evidence to support Dutton's proposition.