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NPL 2025

Best supported clubs in each league from my experiences.
NPL: Preston, Dandy Thunder, Hume, Knights & South. Most teams are decently supported and would be among the best in other states.
VPL1: NSE, Srbija, Georgies, Bulleen
VPL2: North Geelong, Geelong, Werribee
SL1: Sydenham, Westgate, Corio - S/e none
SL2: Western Eagles / St. Kilda (the 2 SL3 champions from last season)
Below them: Laverton, Balmoral, Dandy South seem quite decently supported. Sunbury as well, they also have the best canteen/social club potentially in all of Victoria.
Sydney Olympic are probably the biggest dissapointment in Australian football. You play in a city with a massive Greek population, your home ground is in an area where a lot of Greeks still live, and you dont have 30 other Greek clubs competing for your supporters every week, yet the best they can do is a couple hundred.

The above should not only make them bigger than South who face all the challenges i outlined. Really they should be the Sydney version of Preston.
I agree they should be still pulling good crowds but alas not.
The long time hurdles re playing at Belmore have been a tug of war for decades now, the place actually isn't anywhere full of greeks as it once was as well..from my observations.
The same applies with APIA lack of crowds around Leichardt < the usual ol cafes I used to frequent in the heydays are all but gone.
Only a handful and they are not like they used to be.
Marrickville used to be dominated by Greek/Italian local stores for eg but its diluted massively the last 20yrs.
Belmore/Canterbury/Campsie areas are full of Lebanese/Asians where also greeks we're strong back in the day.
Viets/Chinese/Lebs dominate now.
The NRL Dogs who play at Belmore have a huge leb following.

SO also with APIA have been basket case's over some years barring the exceptions (throw in Marconi as well) - can't figure out why crowds are not more healthy for they should be !

Would I be on the money Beretta EZ ?
The demographics for Olympic are still good, 15% of Belmore is still Greek ancestry and the biggest Greek suburb Earlwood is less than 10 minutes away (about 4-5km).

Compare this to Albert Park and the greater South Melbourne/bayside area where you'd be lucky to have a few hundred Greeks left and most of those would be very elderly.

Not saying they should be packing the joint out but surely should be in the 1,500 range at least.
Sydney Olympic are probably the biggest dissapointment in Australian football. You play in a city with a massive Greek population, your home ground is in an area where a lot of Greeks still live, and you dont have 30 other Greek clubs competing for your supporters every week, yet the best they can do is a couple hundred.

The above should not only make them bigger than South who face all the challenges i outlined. Really they should be the Sydney version of Preston.
The 2011 Grand Final between Sydney Olympic and Sydney United attracted 11k at Belmore.

Olympic have been in a downward spiral since.

Greeks in Sydney support the NRL more than Football.
southmelb Earlwood so close to Marrickville mentioned earlier is no diff.
The inner west once ruled by euro ethnics the 2/3rd gens have not followed on as in the past.
Sure they are there but in far less numbers - interesting Beretta re more following NRL, I mentioned Leb community very strong maybe I can't pick them that well haha a mix of Leb/greek Dog supporters.

Wow 11k back in the day for that GF.
southmelb Earlwood so close to Marrickville mentioned earlier is no diff.
The inner west once ruled by euro ethnics the 2/3rd gens have not followed on as in the past.
Sure they are there but in far less numbers - interesting Beretta re more following NRL, I mentioned Leb community very strong maybe I can't pick them that well haha a mix of Leb/greek Dog supporters.

Wow 11k back in the day for that GF.

Yep, you cant tell the difference between the lebs and greeks, they all support the Bulldogs.

i work with a few greeks, and they dont care about sydney olympic. they used to go back in the NSL, but all of their responses is, "football in this country is shit, NPL is shit bla bla bla"

only the croats, macos, and wollongong in NSW can still gain a crowd on it's day. The rest is players families that only attend.
Yep, you cant tell the difference between the lebs and greeks, they all support the Bulldogs.

i work with a few greeks, and they dont care about sydney olympic. they used to go back in the NSL, but all of their responses is, "football in this country is shit, NPL is shit bla bla bla"

only the croats, macos, and wollongong in NSW can still gain a crowd on it's day. The rest is players families that only attend.

yer can't pick them !

I have quite a few greek friends also and couple that have kept playing football with me - their sons are mates of my boys and football devotees like us but not strong enough for the local NPL - more interested getting out.
The young uns only make the effort for some big games if they don't have anything on BUT the word getting about the Championship to start has them inspired to a degree I notice.
The football is crap locally rings true to many involved in the game agree.
Npl isnt the benchmark for crowd numbers... You cant gage anything until a better comp is at play, the AU champ may not be perfect but it can be a stepping stone to re-engagement of those supporters that left (rightly so unwilling to become a franchise member or state league affiliates) ... the club support numbers will dependent on the viability of the new comp and thereafter..
We tout Preston as a benchmark suddenly yet forget the non existent support for so many years until their return.. why would Olympic be any different..
wholeheartedly agree H b w, in the back rooms its all there I know it.....despite what I/we've said from up here.
So so much relies on the Championship to finally kick start the kind of forward movement for the many dormant mature supporters and the many young ones who need to see feel this spike the NPL needs.
They want to be there but its got to deliver this kind of bigger picture and interstate Club rivalry they know of.
Sydney is such a fickle town compared to Melb let alone the other main cities.
They only turn up for the big games for most other games is like when your going out with mates for a night on the town but turn up at some bars and its dead, unless your invested its kind of a let down affair lacking the vibe/ambience.
There is so much riding on this and for the game as a whole might I add.