Hence, the above video by Professor Dr Ian Brighthope makes the point.
Even if I could logically-batter people like
@tsf and
@Keeper66 by sheer logic and facts -- and show them up for their refusal to see (them being specimens of the "people gonna believe what they wanna believe") .... I cannot do a victory dance. That can be no triumph at winning an argument with them - when virtually all my close and extended family have taken these MRNA vaxes, and all my close friends, and acquaintances have taken these vaxes.
What is the point of me pressing them with data/evidence/facts on the MRNA vaxes? It's too late to convince them on the vaxes, because after the MRNA lipoproteins are injected in the body, the growing scientific data shows that the generating of spike-protein by the MRNA keeps going in their bodies long beyond what the Pharma people had assumed (without evidence).
The last hope is to demonstrate to them ... by clear reasoning ... that the (lack of) thinking, and refusal to see data/evidence ... which got them into the MRNA mess in the first place ... is the same hard-hearted stubbornness that they bring to ALL areas of their life, particularly the most important issue, which is their eternal salvation.
No matter whether people misunderstand my motives for what I write, I state for the record, in writing, that my main motive for continuing dialogue with the rank and file folk who exhibit this group-think, is a hope that they'll turn and see the light. And if they can look past their irritation of disgust with me (which is caused by me butting up against their fixed assumptions) -- and for them to just focus on facts/evidence - there'll be some hope.
I gain nothing in winning arguments of logic with them. It's like a caring parent who is misunderstood by wayward children. Often, when they grow up in future decades, they come to realise that dad was right. By then, it's too late to correct decades of them going down the wrong path - and then they join the ranks of the elders trying to pass on wisdom to the young folk who refuse to listen.