It is just insane!
To actually suggest moving an entire country's citizens to be relocated to Egypt or Jordan ( who already have heaps of Palestinian refugees living in camps) , then advocate the US take it over, is ludicrous!
Other Arab states like Saudi, who have been relatively complicit in not supporting Palestine in any overt military capacity, are incensed. Instead the US should be arresting Netanyahu as a war criminal.
For this week's national Australian Palestine Advocacy Network demos and marches on Saturday, many supporters who have been inactive to date, but onside, have pledged to attend this week's TPAN events.
I'll be leading both Educators For Peace ( Australian Education Union) and Retired Unionist Network delegations. This week the Health Union, United Workers' Union, CEPU (electricians), CPSU ( public servants), ASU, AMWU, should all have a presence too.
TPAN thought they had few powerful friends. The union movement is easily the biggest progressive movement in Aus, with circa 2 million members. The rank and file of the Labor party, manifesting in the Auswide Labor Friends of Palestine; plus the Greens, both rank and file members and Parl Green Party; should be attending en masse too.
Friends Of Palestine will also be attending en masse.
That cretin Trump, is helping mobilise even more opponents to Israel's genocide in Gaza - worldwide.