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Chronicles of a stable genius - all the biggliest stuff

And got this.


Here's a comparative breakdown, adding a third column to examine parallels between Hitler’s rise and Trump’s rhetoric or actions during his second election campaign. While there are similarities in themes, the historical contexts are different.

Original ParagraphVerdict & ReasoningTrump Comparison
In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German government. He was tried, given a slap on the wrist, and became a convicted felon. Despite being treated charitably by the judge, Hitler claimed the trial was political persecution and successfully portrayed himself as a victim of the “corrupt" Social Democrats.Partially True – Hitler led the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, was convicted of treason, and served a short sentence. He framed himself as a political martyr.Trump’s role in the January 6th Capitol riot led to his second impeachment, though he was acquitted. He has since portrayed legal cases against him as a "witch hunt" and "political persecution" by corrupt Democrats.
Hitler cleverly positioned himself as the voice of the "common man," railing against the "elites," cultural "degeneracy," and the establishment, who he all labeled as "Marxists." He claimed the education system was indoctrinating children to hate Germany and promised to return Germany to greatness.Mostly True – Hitler framed himself as fighting for ordinary Germans against "Marxists" and cultural decay.Trump presents himself as the champion of the "forgotten" working-class American. He attacks "elites," opposes progressive education (claiming schools indoctrinate children), and promotes "Make America Great Again."
To solidify his base, Hitler masterfully scapegoated minorities for the nation's problems, exploiting societal divisions with an "us vs. them" narrative. Many Germans took the bait. Hitler's Nazi Party continued to gain traction until he became Chancellor in 1933.True – Hitler blamed Jews, communists, and other minorities for Germany’s problems.Trump has frequently blamed immigrants, particularly from Latin America, for crime and economic issues. He has used racial and cultural divisions to energize his base.
Hitler appointed German oligarchs as his economic advisors. He proceeded to privatize government-run utilities, solidifying support of the economic elite.Partially True – Hitler collaborated with industrialists and privatized some industries but also expanded state control.Trump appointed billionaires and corporate leaders to his cabinet, cut taxes for the wealthy, and deregulated industries, benefiting corporate elites.
With the working class divided along cultural and ethnic lines, the Nazis shut down workers' unions and abolished strikes.True – The Nazis banned independent unions and strikes.Trump has weakened labor protections, opposed union efforts, and appointed pro-business officials to labor boards.
Progressives and trade unionists were imprisoned and sent to concentration camps. Corporate profits skyrocketed while working-class Germans lived paycheck to paycheck.Partially True – The Nazis persecuted leftists, while corporations profited. Some working-class Germans did benefit from state programs.Trump hasn’t imprisoned political opponents but has vilified progressives and the left as "communists" and "Marxists." His policies favored corporations, and economic inequality widened under his administration.
Hitler, who became a billionaire while in office, knew he and his clan of oligarchs could get away with the scam if they constantly had an "enemy within" to blame while the corporatocracy robbed the country blind.Partially True – Hitler accumulated immense wealth through tax avoidance and state perks.Trump leveraged the presidency for personal business gains, funneled government funds to his properties, and frequently blamed minorities, Democrats, and the media for national problems.
An easy target was one of the smallest minorities. Hitler removed birthright citizenship rights of Jews and started rounding them up for mass deportations for being "illegally" in the country.Mostly True – Jews were stripped of citizenship under the Nuremberg Laws.Trump attempted to end birthright citizenship, enforced strict immigration policies, and separated families at the border, leading to mass deportations.
The German press under Nazi rule highlighted instances of violence by Jews to convince the public that Jewish immigrants were a danger to the "real Germans."Partially True – Nazi propaganda portrayed Jews as criminals and subversives.Trump has frequently amplified stories of crimes committed by immigrants, particularly from Mexico and the Middle East, to justify harsher immigration policies.
Hitler wasted no time dismantling democratic institutions. Loyalty wasn't just encouraged; it was demanded. Opponents were silenced. Media that dared to question him were vilified as "the enemy" and "Marxists."True – Hitler consolidated power quickly, eliminated opposition, and controlled the press.Trump repeatedly called the media "the enemy of the people," dismissed government oversight, and sought to overturn election results he lost.
Hitler's Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels, bragged about how the Nazis were able to intimidate the media into giving them favorable coverage, and didn't need to give direct orders.Partially True – Goebbels controlled the media through coercion and direct influence.Trump regularly attacked the press, favored right-wing media like Fox News, and pressured media outlets to align with his narratives.
The Nazi regime and its followers collected all books they saw as promoting "degeneracy" or what would be considered "woke" today, and burned them in large bonfires. They also burned books that promoted class consciousness.Mostly True – Nazis burned books on socialism, LGBTQ issues, and liberal thought.Trump and his supporters have opposed "woke" culture, sought to ban books about race and LGBTQ issues in schools, and pushed for curriculum restrictions.
Berlin had a thriving LGBTQ community in the 1920s, and even had the first transgender clinic. The Nazis burned it to the ground. LGBTQ people were sent to concentration camps and forced to wear triangle badges. Many were killed in the Holocaust.True – The Nazis persecuted LGBTQ people severely.Trump rolled back LGBTQ protections, banned transgender individuals from military service, and emboldened anti-LGBTQ rhetoric among his supporters.
The Nazis also saw manhood as under threat by independent women who didn't rely on men. In 1934, Hitler proclaimed, “A woman's world is her husband, her family, her children, her house." Laws that had protected women's rights were repealed and new laws were introduced to restrict women to the home and in their roles as wives and mothers.True – The Nazis promoted traditional gender roles.Trump has made statements reinforcing traditional gender roles, opposed feminist movements, and rolled back reproductive rights.
Reproductive rights were severely rolled back, and doctors who performed abortions could face the death penalty.Mostly True – Abortion was criminalized under the Nazis.Trump appointed Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade, leading to severe abortion restrictions in many states.
Despite all of this, the German people didn't have a similar historical parallel to look upon as a warning.True – There was no precedent for Nazi Germany at the time.The U.S. does have historical parallels, including authoritarian tendencies, racial persecution, and McCarthyism, yet many ignore these warnings.
Most Germans never acted like the sky was falling. Most just went along with their lives as usual, until many of their lives were snuffed out.Partially True – Many Germans complied or ignored warning signs.Many Americans dismiss concerns about authoritarianism, believing democracy will self-correct.
By the time Hitler's reign was forced to an end by the Allied Powers, 11 million people were murdered in the Holocaust, and 70-85 million were killed in WW2.True – The Holocaust and WWII had catastrophic casualties.While no direct parallel exists, Trump's rhetoric and policies have contributed to rising political violence and social division.


There are clear thematic similarities between Hitler’s rise and Trump’s rhetoric, particularly in the use of scapegoating, attacks on democracy, and positioning as a champion of the "common man" against "elites." However, the scale, methods, and historical contexts are different. Let me know if you'd like any refinements!
Trump is Putin's bitch.

Because Russia lost a lot of soldiers they should probably keep it.

Oh yeah, by the way Ukraine give us $500 billion worth of rare earths.

What a shit stain.
Get out the popcorn. This'll be more fun than Netflix.

“... rather odd that there are quite a few people in the bureaucracy who have essentially a salary of a few hundred thousand dollars, but somehow manage to accrue tens of millions of dollars in net worth while they are in that position,” Elon Musk said on Tuesday.​

Trump said he’s going to name names.

This is classic Trump strategy to root out the corrupt actors. First, throw out a few crumbs of evidence. Give a few days to see who squeals (Democrats, Mainstream Media, activist Leftist judges). Then bring the more substantive evidence to shut them up. Next, bring legal action against corruption. Once the public realise the depth of corruption in the Democratic Party and the propaganda of the Media - that is the time to present evidence of the Democrats' fraud in elections.

If Trump had brought evidence in 2020 of election fraud in the 2020 Election, hardly anyone would have believed him. The reason is, most Democrats still trusted their Democrat Party, and trusted the Media. People need proof of how corrupt the system is.

A possible strategy is to go after some small fish for corruption, then in exchange for a plea bargain, they have to squeal on the bigger fish up the food chain of the corruption.

Once you see the corruption in the Leftist judges, you will realise these were the type of Leftist judges that threw out the 2020 election cases, WITHOUT LETTING the evidence be tested by cross-examination ... instead, using technicalities like "lack of standing" to refuse to let evidence be cross-examined.

It is almost guaranteed that this type of wasteful spending is happening in Australia, UK and Canada as well. In comments on social media, people from Developing World countries could only wish that this type of Elon-Musk style audit could root out corrupt spending in their countries plagued by corruption. The system is too powerful. The people believe the propaganda. It takes change-agents like Trump and Elon Musk to take on the Goliath.

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"... Elon Musk blown the whistle on biggest fraud in US history? Claims over $100 Billion lost in entitlement scams"

You can bet the bureaucrats who are in on these scams, lining their pockets, will be screaming the loudest. And what of the Media running a protection racket against unveiling the fraud? Is the Media more intent on unveiling, examining and testing the evidence of fraud - or are they wholly intent on attacking President Donald Trump. Why?

And why does no one ask these question? Why do people on this football forum NOT ask these questions? This has implications on how you deal with facts and data on the most important issues of your life: your health and also your eternal destiny. (Over the months, I have proposed answers to why you don't ask these questions - but it makes me a target for your combined derision).

This also has implications if ever such fraud is discovered in Australia, because the Australian Media here will act the same way.

"... Elon Musk blown the whistle on biggest fraud in US history? Claims over $100 Billion lost in entitlement scams"

You can bet the bureaucrats who are in on these scams, lining their pockets, will be screaming the loudest. And what of the Media running a protection racket against unveiling the fraud? Is the Media more intent on unveiling, examining and testing the evidence of fraud - or are they wholly intent on attacking President Donald Trump. Why?

And why does no one ask these question? Why do people on this football forum NOT ask these questions? This has implications on how you deal with facts and data on the most important issues of your life: your health and also your eternal destiny. (Over the months, I have proposed answers to why you don't ask these questions - but it makes me a target for your combined derision).

This also has implications if ever such fraud is discovered in Australia, because the Australian Media here will act the same way.

hahahah lowercase johnny has finally popped.... repent you mofos, repeeeeeennnnntttt........
hahahah lowercase johnny has finally popped.... repent you mofos, repeeeeeennnnntttt........

@MSC, you being of Orthodox faith, (Greek Orthodox?) I assume that the use of acronyms like "mofo" - even when not spelling out the complete words - is an unacceptable way to communicate. Remember, we're meant to love even our enemies (Matt 5:44-48).
With revelations of massive bureaucracy fraud - $100 billion, for example, this is a look in the mirror for you folk.

Ask yourself: what are your first and instant reactions, because your instant reaction will tell you where you stand.

1) Do you scoff and insult (indications of a mocker), or do you search for information to test this.

2) Test which New Sources are, and are not, reporting this.

3) Test which search engines are blocking or hiding this news.

If you're part of the un-thinking masses - chances are, you'll do nothing, and continue to mock and screech at anyone who steps outside the group-think.

Remember, most of the un-thinking masses are not bogans who inhabit the goal area at A-League games. Typically, most of the un-thinking masses are just normal, decent people who don't care a stuff about anything outside their usual routine and circle of same-thinking friends. They do their job decently, have the same routine every month and are generally ok sort of people. But they don't think of anything outside of their normal life.
@MSC, you being of Orthodox faith, (Greek Orthodox?) I assume that the use of acronyms like "mofo" - even when not spelling out the complete words - is an unacceptable way to communicate. Remember, we're meant to love even our enemies (Matt 5:44-48).
I could answer you but the answer is far to complicated for you to understand, perhaps pray on the holy texts.

So again that night they got their father drunk with wine, and the younger daughter went in and slept with him; he was not aware when she lay down or when she got up. 36Thus both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father. 37The older daughter gave birth to a son and named him Moab. He is the father of the Moabites of today.… Genesis 19: 35-38

or better yet in Romans when God decided to bestow onto his creation the gift of homosexual lust:

For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. / Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. - Romans 1:26-27
With revelations of massive bureaucracy fraud - $100 billion, for example, this is a look in the mirror for you folk.

Ask yourself: what are your first and instant reactions, because your instant reaction will tell you where you stand.

1) Do you scoff and insult (indications of a mocker), or do you search for information to test this.

2) Test which New Sources are, and are not, reporting this.

3) Test which search engines are blocking or hiding this news.

If you're part of the un-thinking masses - chances are, you'll do nothing, and continue to mock and screech at anyone who steps outside the group-think.

Remember, most of the un-thinking masses are not bogans who inhabit the goal area at A-League games. Typically, most of the un-thinking masses are just normal, decent people who don't care a stuff about anything outside their usual routine and circle of same-thinking friends. They do their job decently, have the same routine every month and are generally ok sort of people. But they don't think of anything outside of their normal life.
Are you ALSO staring at the picture above at the blondie's arse?
I could answer you but the answer is far to complicated for you to understand, perhaps pray on the holy texts.

So again that night they got their father drunk with wine, and the younger daughter went in and slept with him; he was not aware when she lay down or when she got up. 36Thus both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father. 37The older daughter gave birth to a son and named him Moab. He is the father of the Moabites of today.… Genesis 19: 35-38

or better yet in Romans when God decided to bestow onto his creation the gift of homosexual lust:

For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. / Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. - Romans 1:26-27

I don't get your intent? After all, the Bible contains accounts of both (1) what to do, and (2) what not to do.

Not every account in the Bible is "do this exactly the same".

For example, when you speak to your children giving examples of consequences of bad behaviour, you are not telling children "go do it". No. Parents tell children (1) what to do, and (2) what not to do.

It is plain silly to cite random passages from the Bible, claiming the Bible was telling people to do that.
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