It should be as simple as the country's lead scientific agency does an investigation, publishes a report and then the government goes with it.
Of course its not that simple because Mr potato head, just like Trump, called into question the agency's work and politicised it when they said it wasn't a goer.
Way to undermine faith in our public institutions former policeman with a $400 million property portfolio. (Google that.) Notice he stayed very quiet on Albo buying a $4.3 million house. Funny that.
Exactly how does a former policeman amass such a fortune. A question for another day.
Anyway. If they can build them cheap/competitive and on budget let's go for it. Good luck putting them anywhere though. No one wants a nuclear reactor next door to them and that's the facts.
All the evidence overseas points to them being horrendously over budget and over a decade late in every instance but let's give them a go. The beauty for the LNP is they're so far off in the future all of us will be in the ground before the first one is built.