But what about the people who have thunk and inquired and deduced through research and science that climate change is driven by man?
When I was at university doing science-based studies, the core of science is to test any new theory based on fact and evidence.
Whereas, politics and money have corrupted the pure pursuit of science. The modern generation is taught that the "consensus has to be right" which bastardises the pursuit of science. These days you have university lecturers marking students down if their views are not aligned with Leftist-groupthink. (Widely reported on social media, and also young students tell me that happens in their courses in Australia).
Nothing in scientific theory teaches a student that the consensus is always right.
A quotation:
"It’s easy to get consensus when you suppress dissent."
Your generation is making suppression of dissent as the norm.
So this "consensus is right - and anything against the consensus must be banned as misinformation" --- that is the dark-side of mankind seen in Soviet and communist oppression. And remember, the Soviet system was imposed by altruistic young people who had no clue of the consequences of their ideology.
On the other forum, there was a guy who said he's a university lecturer, and he said the current generation of students have generally no capacity for independent thought (my paraphrase of him).
We live a dark generation where anything idea that goes against the mainstream is discredited as "misinformation". For example, there's a guy on this forum who wanted be banned ---- that is your generation's way of establishing echo-chambers wherever you go.
Someone convinced you to discard what was the bedrock of youthful pursuit -- "I might disagree with you, but I'll fight for your right to say it". That's gone. Now people put on airs to explain how misinformation has to be censored -- rather than misinformation being challenged by open debate backed up by facts and evidence.
You have no idea how that spells the death knell of the age of knowledge.