Thats an interesting option ... What are everyones thoughts if, for example, the Championship (or heaven forbid the Aleague if it ever accepts pro/rel) had a rule that there must be at least 1 x club per "region" in the league, so for example if Adealide City is to be the only SA club in season 2026 and they finish last, relegation club is the the second last club on the table, or third last or whatever..... I dont really like this as an option but is the onlyu way I can think of to keep some sort of semblance of "geography" to appease the mainstream...
For the record I want 100% pro/rel based ONLY on points per season from day dot... If, in 10 season the whole league is ONLY NSW clubs then good luck to them.... and up to the other states/clubs to do better . just spitballing ideas.