I got the feeling that for most of the first half Behich only put the ball forward on the left when he was the one running there.
Several times in the first 15 minutes we had a player ahead of him on the left, Behich facing forward to see it, and he turned it back.
Miller's pace is sort of balancing out his lack of skill. That pissweak flop on the ball early on exposed us for a moment and I hope he learned from it. When Bahrain are trying to get in behind with pace Miller is doing a pretty good job of getting back. I am not minding his random touches so much with the positives he is bringing to unsettle their lefthand side.
Yengi's long legs have made the difference several times. Great to see him anticipating.
Gauci lost the job with is dribbling cockups last game.
Keep at it, maintain our forward movement and score again!