Made a bit of an interesting observation over the weekend. Curious if anyone else have had similar experiences.
A-League has been around for 20 years. When I started following MV, my mates and I were all in our early twenties. At the time, I'd say a massive chunk of the supporter base was in that same 20-30 age demographic. That demographic are all in their 40s now. Myself and nearly all of my mates have kids now. I have a baby and a toddler at home, so being able to attend every single home game (like I used to) is not really a reality anymore. Still a member, still watch on the TV if I can't make it, but no chance of going to every game. I can't remember the last time my group of mates were all able to attend a game at the same time. Somebody always can't make it.
So, the observation I made was that the people aged in their early twenties right now are not there in the same numbers to fill the gap left by us rusted-ons. Culturally they are quite a different generation. They have grown up in the social media era, which focuses on the individual, so they don't have that same sense of tribal club loyalty that was so present with previous generations. Combine that with tough cost-of-living pressures and it's not really a surprise that crowd numbers have levelled off. The dollar definitely doesn't really go that far these days. I was pretty broke in my early twenties, but I still went to MV games regularly (admitedly there were a lot of freebies back then), I went to any music festival or concert I wanted to see and still had money to go to bars and nightclubs at least every other week. There is no way young people can afford to do the same thing now.