Reminds me of Sir Arthur!!
well this is the thing that I struggle with, ol Sir Arthur sure was a rogue and a half, then the whole sheila's wog's poof eras And sockha overall was the aussie enemy game with hardly a leg to stand on.
The along comes bigtime Frank, $$$$$$$$$$$$'s galore, sets up his game, box's it in, like humpty dumpty, sure sponsership revenue like we've never seens before, that opens the door into Fox, win win, humpty dumptys wall came tumbling down.
After all the history, learn from wrongs, watching from their boardrooms these new humpty dumpty's follow the same lead.
Seriously, Sir Arthur and the nsl were up against it all, these mugs could have done so so so much betta, Frank for starters had the game in his palm and a sockha devotee, business head fucked him up and bitterness towards the old league for they didn't listen to him was his words, got his way the the prick.
Now look at it, same shit different day and like GOT, one family against the other.
It ain't going to work but as mentioned, a high here, more lows there.