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Forum rules and further recruitment

I've been a mod on plenty and 3 basic things you need is 1. mod cares and is actually around and 2. mod follows the rules themself and 3. not there solely to enforce personal bias
Agree with all this.

Last night I Moderated a public meeting Q and A after a public film screening. One has to think quickly, and doesn't have the luxury of conferring with fellow members of the organisation hosting the event over any issue arising on the floor at the time of the Q and A.

Protocols and rules had to be established with an organisational leadership group prior to the event - not taken to a Mod panel to discuss retrospective action after a poster has posted, some time after the event.
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This is an example from another forum:

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which:

  • is dangerous to health, anti-vax, Covid denial etc,
  • is hateful, including sympathetic discussion of far-right/neo-Nazi tropes,
  • misinformation or disinformation,
  • defamatory,
  • threatening,
  • abusive,
  • bigotry,
  • likely to offend,
  • is spam or spam-like,
  • contains adult or objectionable content,
  • risks copyright infringement,
  • encourages unlawful activity (including illegal drug use, buying, selling etc),
  • or otherwise violates any laws,
  • or contains personal information of others,

The full terms of service is a big legal document written by lawyers.
That is quite comprehensive!

'Likely to offend'?

Beg your pardon?

That's very broad. Offence is taken not given.

Some blokes have thick skin others have thin skin and glass jaws. Provided you're not an outright c#nt then let the discussion fall where it may. (IMO.)

Robust, argumentative discussion and friction between posters makes great entertainment sometimes as long as it doesn't devolve too much.

I have to stress the importance of moderating multi behaviour. Unfortunately, there's no easy way of doing this via ips because this isn't 1994 and we're not all one guy with a static ip on the one cable connection in the country, nor are there about 400 isps that you can just say fuckit and ban a whole isp to get rid of someone.

Can't be done based on emails either because back in the day, you could reliably say 'no free email' except now everyone uses gmail basically.

I would say it just needs to be actively monitored and based on the less scientific 'feel' that if it's not really a legitimate person, it just as to bloody go.

Multis killed TWG/442.
Agree multis killed TWG, and to a lesser extent 442.

A financial adviser in Dubai, a public servant in Canberra, a retiree cricket mate in Sydney, an accountant in Brisbane, a female GP in England, a teacher in France, and a plethora of others whose identities I don't know, have been accused of being me on 442.

Hope the self-anointed, expert 'sleuth' who accused all these people of posting as my multis doesn't work for law enforcement! The jails would be empty, or full of innocent people!
Agree multis killed TWG, and to a lesser extent 442.

A financial adviser in Dubai, a public servant in Canberra, a retiree cricket mate in Sydney, an accountant in Brisbane, a female GP in England, a teacher in France, and a plethora of others whose identities I don't know, have been accused of being me on 442.

Hope the self-anointed, expert 'sleuth' who accused all these people of posting as my multis doesn't work for law enforcement! The jails would be empty, or full of innocent people!

The irony of you decrying multi use is laughable. As one of the biggest multi makers ever you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself for even putting forward that dribble.

Colin Oscopy for one. Dozens of others. Some so graphic they'd make a sailor blush.

Stop being so patronising and condescending and you might get more people onside.